Making the Case for Australian Agriculture

31 July 2021

Adrian Goonan, Head of Cropping and Diversified Agriculture, recently presented at the GlobalAg Investing Conference on the topic of “Making the Case for Australian Agriculture”.


Part 1 – Key Trends Influencing Australian Agricultural Investments

In this first of a three part series, Adrian Gonnan discusses the sector’s aggressive growth targets and the role of consolidation, the trend towards a decarbonised market and what will drive demand.

Watch Video (4:25) below:


Part 2 – Reducing Emissions and the Climate Impact of Agriculture

In part two of this three part series, Adrian Goonan discusses the positive role agriculture as one of the largest sectors of the Australian economy can play in reducing emissions and climate impact. The rise in ESG demands will intensify and automation and robotics will play a critical part and have the greatest impact.

Watch Video (2:38) below:


Part 3 – Execution Capacity – A Key Driver of Agricultural Returns

In the final part of this video series, Adrian Goonan explains why execution capacity and skilled people remain the greatest driver of investment performance in agriculture.  In addition to quality assets, careful selection of an investment partner which has a strong focus on people, health and safety, and sustainability will be key to success in Australian agriculture.

Watch Video (3:04) below:

These videos have been prepared by Warakirri Asset Management Ltd (ABN 33 057 529 370) (Australian Financial Services Licence Holder No. 246782) and is intended for wholesale investors only. While the information included in these videos have been prepared with all reasonable care, Warakirri Asset Management accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions or misstatements however caused. The views and opinions are provided for informational purposes only and are believed to be accurate at the time of recording. The economic and market forecasts are for informational purposes as at the date of these videos. There can be no assurance that these forecasts will be achieved.

Adrian Goonan

Adrian Goonan
Head Of Cropping And Diversified Agriculture